What Happened on June 21

June 21 is always the 172nd day of the year, unless it’s a leap year in which it is the 173rd day of the year. This is on a Gregorian calendar, which leaves 193 days remaining until January 1st, where a new year beings. June 21 marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. That m

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Teleclasses: Your New Innovative Way To Learn

What the heck is a teleclass anyway? Teleclasses, also called teleconferences, are an innovative method for bringing information to you without you needing to leave your home or office. Most teleclasses are promoted by people who do business online. You will find them advertised on websites, in online advertising or perhap

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Work-at-Home Scams – Don’t Become a Victim

The ads are so tempting, and just think — what if you could make hundreds of dollars a day working from home? Unfortunately, people are losing money every day to work at home scams. Don’t become a victim. Here are some ways to make sure you don’t become scammed! You know you’re just about to get scammed by a work-at-home ad

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Scott Parks Wish List For Dallas Schools

Scott Parks is the education columnist for the Dallas Daily News. He had some interesting items on his January 2007 wish list for the Dallas schools. Some are poignant and in dire need. Some are possibilities during this new year. Others are down right wishful thinking without much chance of succeeding, regardless of the need. Here are only a few i

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A Complete Guide To The Different Learning Theories

Educational theorists, from philosophers like Socrates and Rousseau to researchers like Howard Gardner today, have addressed theories of learning. Many of their ideas continue to influence homeschoolers as well as traditional educators. A little familiarity with some of the ideas most popular among homeschoolers will help y

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